A zillion writing opportunities for you in November

Writing Opportunities

If you don’t visit the Aerogramme Writers Studio blog, you should start. It’s always full of cool writing tips, prompts, and competitions. Each month they collate a list of all the writing competitions for the next two months. Here is the November/December one. I’ve been following the blog since August and each month I furiously write down at least twenty competitions which I believe I will enter, and generally I only get around to one or two. Or, I write a whole bunch of really short, average pieces instead of trying to work on one good one.

So my suggestion is to read the list for this month, and select a few that you can realistically work on, rather than becoming wildly excited and overwhelmed. Or, just be wildly excited and overwhelmed. It’s up to you. 🙂

Two big ones to look out for in that list:

  • The Commonwealth Short Story Prize – Deadline 15 November (Prize money – 2500 pounds!) (Also, fame and glory)


  • Museum of Words Flash Fiction Contest – Deadline 23 November (Prize money – $20000!) (Also, fame and glory)